reading time: 2 min.

Ziya Öztürkler: There is no culture of qualified, knowledge-based criticism

Ziya Öztürkler: There is no culture of qualified, knowledge-based criticism

UBP Deputy Ziya Öztürkler stated that the society is not at a good point regarding the culture of criticism and that there is no culture of criticism based on qualified and knowledge.

Publish Date: 13/04/22 08:09
reading time: 2 min.
Ziya Öztürkler: There is no culture of qualified, knowledge-based criticism
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UBP Deputy Ziya Öztürkler gave a speech on “Culture of Criticism, Quality and Standards” at the General Assembly of the Assembly.

Expressing that the society is not at a good point in terms of criticism culture, Öztürkler said that there is no qualified, knowledge-based criticism culture.

Noting that he is a believer in a culture of criticism and common sense approaches, Öztürkler said that the appointment of senior managers is constantly discussed.

Expressing that he served as a top-level manager in 2018 during the four-party government, Öztürkler drew attention to the fact that he wrote a column at that time while the top-level law was being discussed. Expressing that if their views were taken into account, Öztürkler stated that they would not be in this situation today, and noted that their views were not listened to.

Expressing that everyone's ideas should be respected, Öztürkler said that they should not humiliate anyone.

Emphasizing the importance of considering the concept of 4 zeros regarding quality, Ziya Öztürkler stated that serious investments have been made in innovation and artificial intelligence in the world, and that the country should use universities more and include them in society. Öztürkler stated that it is necessary to bring universities and society together.

When asked by CTP Deputy Erkut Şahali about the culture of criticism, Öztürkler noted that both the critic and the criticized should protect mutual respect.

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