reading time: 1 min.

No Rain Expected in the Coming Days

No Rain Expected in the Coming Days

Rain is not expected in the coming days, with temperatures ranging between 30-33 degrees Celsius.

Publish Date: 02/10/24 15:56
reading time: 1 min.
No Rain Expected in the Coming Days
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According to the Meteorology Department, the weather will be influenced by a high-pressure system tomorrow and Friday, while lower pressure will affect the weather on other days, leading to mild and relatively humid conditions.

The report indicates that tomorrow's weather will be mostly clear and slightly cloudy, with scattered clouds during midday. The weather will remain clear and slightly cloudy on Friday, Saturday, Sunday, and Monday, while next Tuesday and Wednesday will see mostly clear skies with some scattered clouds during midday.

The highest temperatures are expected to generally range from 30 to 33 degrees Celsius, particularly in the interior and coastal areas.

Winds will typically blow from the south and west, with moderate strength expected on Thursday and Friday from the north and west.

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