reading time: 1 min.

A new step towards 4G-5G

A new step towards 4G-5G

A new step has been taken towards new generation mobile communication technologies such as 4G-5G and other communication technologies to be developed.

Publish Date: 26/05/22 13:05
reading time: 1 min.
A new step towards 4G-5G
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The decision of the Council of Ministers on the subject "to go out to tender for communication technologies after the approval of the tender specifications to be prepared" was published in the Official Gazette.

The Council of Ministers decided that the tender specifications and minimum prices should be prepared by the Ministry of Finance and the Information Technologies and Communications Authority for the allocation of frequency bands to be tendered for the implementation of new generation mobile communication technologies in Northern Cyprus.

Pursuant to the decision, after the approval of the tender specifications to be prepared by the Council of Ministers, a tender will be made for the new generation mobile communication technologies.

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