reading time: 2 min.

1.4 million people visited Qatar at the World Cup

1.4 million people visited Qatar at the World Cup

It was stated that Qatar hosted 1.4 million foreign visitors during the 2022 FIFA World Cup.

Publish Date: 19/12/22 14:10
reading time: 2 min.
1.4 million people visited Qatar at the World Cup
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In the news in Qatar's official agency QNA, data on the World Cup, played between November 20 and December 18 and ending with Argentina's victory, were published.

In the news, it was reported that 1.4 million people visited Qatar in total during the tournament, which lasted about 1 month, while approximately 3.4 million people watched the cup matches in the stadiums.

Accordingly, while the average number of spectators per game was 53 thousand, the total spectator capacity was 96 percent.

In his statement on the subject, Hasan ez-Zawadi, Secretary General of the Qatar High Committee for Projects and Cultural Heritage, stated that they "organized a magnificent trophy that will be a hallmark" for major international organizations.

Zewadi noted that the "historic" sporting event will leave a social, economic and sustainable environmental legacy for both Qatar and the entire region.

The 2022 FIFA World Cup, held for the first time in an Arab country, ended with the final match between Argentina and France at the Lusail Stadium. Argentina became the champion by outperforming France 4-2 on penalties in the match, which finished 2-2 in regular time and 3-3 in overtime.

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