reading time: 1 min.

Kemal Çiçek, who fell from a height of about 5 meters on the concrete floor, was injured.

Kemal Çiçek, who fell from a height of about 5 meters on the concrete floor, was injured.

In the work accident that occurred in Edremit, 44-year-old Kemal Çiçek fell from a height of about 5 meters onto the concrete floor and was injured.

Publish Date: 20/12/22 17:10
reading time: 1 min.
Kemal Çiçek, who fell from a height of about 5 meters on the concrete floor, was injured.
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According to the statement made by the Police Press Officer, Kemal Çiçek (E-44) fell from a height of 5 meters to the concrete floor, as a result of losing his balance while cleaning the exposed concrete, on the terrace part of the second floor of an ongoing construction in Edremit at around 11.30 yesterday. fell and injured.

Çiçek was born in Girne, where he was removed from Dr. After her treatment at Akçiçek State Hospital, Nicosia Dr. He was referred to Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital and was observed in the orthopedics service due to the diagnosis of fractures in his right knee, left foot and left wrist.

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