reading time: 2 min.

Russia reaffirms unchanged approach to the resolution of the Cyprus problem

Russia reaffirms unchanged approach to the resolution of the Cyprus problem

Russia's Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Maria Zakharova has announced that Russia reaffirms its unchanged approach to the resolution of the Cyprus problem.

Publish Date: 25/05/23 16:10
reading time: 2 min.
Russia reaffirms unchanged approach to the resolution of the Cyprus problem
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According to the Haravgi newspaper, Zakharova, responding to a question on whether Russia's position would change if negotiations were to resume on the Cyprus problem in light of the recent elections in Turkey, stated that Russia supports a solution to the Cyprus problem based on the UN Security Council resolutions and within the framework of international law.

Zakharova emphasized that the final solution should be found by the people of Cyprus themselves and should not be imposed by any timeline or pre-made formula. She emphasized the importance of taking into account the legal interests and concerns of both communities and that the solution should be based on a common ground that takes these interests and concerns into account.

Zakharova noted that Russia has cooperated with Turkey on many international and regional issues, and the Cyprus problem is also included in these discussions.

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