reading time: 2 min.

Four Injured in Traffic Accident on Lefkoşa-Güzelyurt main road

Four Injured in Traffic Accident on Lefkoşa-Güzelyurt main road

Late last night, four people were injured in a traffic accident on the Lefkoşa-Güzelyurt main road. Berk Muzaffer Çomunoğlu, Batuhan Aktaş, Mustafa Özdoğan, and vehicle driver Berk Sicimoğlu were injured, with Sicimoğlu being arrested following his treatment.

Publish Date: 05/06/23 12:00
Update Date: 05/06/23 15:52
reading time: 2 min.
Four Injured in Traffic Accident on Lefkoşa-Güzelyurt main road
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According to a statement from the Police Press Office, at around 1:00 am today, 22-year-old Berk Sicimoğlu was driving his UN 212 plate sedan under the influence of alcohol (186 milligrams), eastward towards Ağıllar roundabout on the 3rd to 4th kilometer area of Lefkoşa-Güzelyurt main road. As he approached the roundabout, he carelessly entered and lost control of the steering wheel, hitting the edge of the roundabout and then swerved uncontrollably towards the left side of the road border, hitting the edge of the boarder, flipping the car multiple times and finally coming to a stop outside the road.

UN 212 plate vehicle driver Berk Sicimoğlu and passengers Berk Muzaffer Çomunoğlu (26 years old), Batuhan Aktaş (26 years old), and Mustafa Özdoğan (26 years old) were taken to Lefkoşa Dr. Burhan Nalbantoğlu State Hospital for medical treatment. Following treatment, Sicimoğlu and Çomunoğlu were taken into emergency care, while Aktaş was diagnosed with a broken neck and taken into Brain Surgery Service. Özdoğan was diagnosed with a brain hemorrhage and internal bleeding and was taken into the ICU for observation.

After his treatment, Berk Sicimoğlu's arrest has been made, and the investigation regarding the accident is ongoing. It reminds us how important it is to pay attention and drive safely to prevent such accidents.

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