reading time: 1 min.

Motorcycle rider injured in a traffic accident in Lapta

Motorcycle rider injured in a traffic accident in Lapta

In Lapta, a 27-year-old motorcycle rider named Yusuf Düzdaban was injured in a traffic accident.

Publish Date: 30/07/23 13:00
reading time: 1 min.
Motorcycle rider injured in a traffic accident in Lapta
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Yesterday around 18:30 on Mareşal Fevzi Çakmak Street in Lapta, as Turkish Öyken (M-79) carelessly entered the road from a parked area on the dirt section, his vehicle with license plate RG 704 collided with Yusuf Düzdaban (M-27) who was riding his motorcycle with license plate FH 677 in the eastbound direction on the street, blocking his way.

As a result of the collision, the FH 677 motorcycle was propelled forward and struck the right rear of a parked vehicle with license plate GV 211, which was on the right side of the road within the shoulder.

Yusuf Düzdaban, the rider of the FH 677 motorcycle, was injured in the accident and was taken to Girne Dr. Akçiçek Hospital, where he received medical treatment and was placed under observation in the surgical ward.

The investigation is ongoing.

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