reading time: 2 min.

Greek PM Mitsotakis meets with Annita Dimitriou

Greek PM Mitsotakis meets with Annita Dimitriou

Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis held a meeting with the President of the Cypriot Parliament, Annita Dimitriou, and Archbishop Chrysostomos as part of his visit to South Cyprus.

Publish Date: 01/08/23 14:00
reading time: 2 min.
Greek PM Mitsotakis meets with Annita Dimitriou
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Newspapers, including Fileleftheros, reported that Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis met with Annita Dimitriou, the President of the Cypriot Parliament, during his visit to South Cyprus yesterday. According to the newspaper, Dimitriou emphasized the need for full coordination between South Cyprus and Greece in order to find a solution to the Cyprus issue within the framework of the United Nations.

The report stated that Dimitriou expressed her condolences for the devastating wildfires in Greece and provided information about important bills currently on the agenda of the Cypriot Parliament. In the meeting, Mitsotakis voiced his full support for the efforts to find a lasting solution to the Cyprus issue within the framework of the United Nations, with the supportive role of the European Union and UN Secretary-General.

Mitsotakis also referred to his constructive meeting with President Nikos Hristodulidis, emphasizing that Turkey's positive EU agenda is gradual and reversible. The newspaper continued its report by stating that Mitsotakis concluded his visit to South Cyprus with a meeting with Archbishop Chrysostomos.

Following the meeting, Archbishop Chrysostomos expressed gratitude to Mitsotakis for his visit and stated that they expect Greece's support in the challenging struggle for freedom.

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