reading time: 1 min.

Mihalis Yorgallas: Focused on resuming negotiations

Mihalis Yorgallas: Focused on resuming negotiations

Mihalis Yorgallas, the Defense Minister of South Cyprus, stated during his speech at the unveiling of the bust of EOKA member Andonis Yeorgiadis in Milikouri that they are focused on the resumption of negotiations.

Publish Date: 17/08/23 14:00
reading time: 1 min.
Mihalis Yorgallas: Focused on resuming negotiations
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According to the article in Alithia newspaper, Yorgallas, representing President Nikos Christodoulides at the opening, expressed that the government's efforts are aimed at overcoming the impasse and enabling the resumption of negotiations with the goal of achieving a fair, viable, and functional solution to the Cyprus problem.

Yorgallas also mentioned the need for a solution that would allow all legal residents of Cyprus to live together under conditions of security and equality.

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