reading time: 1 min.

Greek Cypriots Work Two Hours More Than EU Average

Greek Cypriots Work Two Hours More Than EU Average

It has been reported that Greek Cypriots work two hours more per week than the European Union (EU) average, based on data published by the European Statistical Office.

Publish Date: 21/09/23 14:26
reading time: 1 min.
Greek Cypriots Work Two Hours More Than EU Average
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According to the data, Greek Cypriots work an average of 39.5 hours per week, while the EU average is 37.5 hours. The report also highlights that full-time employees in South Cyprus work more than twice as many hours as part-time workers, with figures showing 41.5 hours for full-time male employees and 37 hours for female employees.

This data sheds light on the work habits in South Cyprus, where workers are putting in longer hours compared to the EU average, potentially reflecting the country's strong work ethic or specific economic conditions.

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