reading time: 2 min.

Chronic Patients Can Receive Prescriptions for Up to 6 Months from Freelance Doctors

Chronic Patients Can Receive Prescriptions for Up to 6 Months from Freelance Doctors

The Ministry of Labor and Social Security has introduced a new regulation regarding prescriptions for chronic patients, allowing them to obtain prescriptions for up to 6 months from freelance doctors, effective from October 2nd.

Publish Date: 23/09/23 13:22
reading time: 2 min.
Chronic Patients Can Receive Prescriptions for Up to 6 Months from Freelance Doctors
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This regulation aims to eliminate the need for chronic patients to visit a doctor every time they need a prescription. The change will apply to prescriptions for medicines covered by the Social Insurance Department and prescribed by freelance doctors who have contracts with the department, including medications eligible for an 80% discount.

Under the new system, patients with chronic conditions, as identified by their healthcare providers in the system, can receive prescriptions for 2, 3, 4, 5, or 6 months, as determined by their doctors. This means that chronic patients will not need to visit the doctor again for a new prescription until the expiration date of their current prescription.

The Ministry emphasized that this change aims to provide a fair, efficient, legal, and easily monitored healthcare service, particularly for those dealing with chronic conditions, making access to medications more convenient for them.

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