reading time: 1 min.

BKP Calls on Parties to Take Initiative for Resumption of Negotiations

BKP Calls on Parties to Take Initiative for Resumption of Negotiations

The United Cyprus Party (BKP) has called on the parties to take the initiative to resume negotiations from where they left off in 2017.

Publish Date: 23/09/23 13:54
reading time: 1 min.
BKP Calls on Parties to Take Initiative for Resumption of Negotiations
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BKP criticized the efforts of Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan to change the resolution framework of the Cyprus issue, stating that it will not contribute to the solution of the problem on the island.

The statement emphasized that it is essential for the parties to play constructive roles and take the initiative for the resumption of negotiations. BKP also called on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to appoint a new representative for the talks.

The statement mentioned that BKP demands that the negotiations continue from where they left off in 2017 in Crans Montana and that the agreed-upon issues be accepted. It also stressed that the 6-point Guterres proposals should form the basis for the negotiations and called on UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres to take initiative as soon as possible.

Source: TAK

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