reading time: 3 min.

PM Üstel: We Will Continue Working with Turkey to Overcome Embargoes

PM Üstel: We Will Continue Working with Turkey to Overcome Embargoes

Following President Ersin Tatar's diplomatic mission in New York, he briefed the political parties represented in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) Parliament. In a press statement after the meeting, Prime Minister Ünal Üstel stated that they would continue working with Turkey to promote and overcome embargoes while introducing the TRNC to the world.

Publish Date: 27/09/23 14:13
reading time: 3 min.
PM Üstel: We Will Continue Working with Turkey to Overcome Embargoes
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Prime Minister Ünal Üstel held a press conference after a meeting at the Presidential Palace, where President Tatar provided a post-New York briefing. Üstel remarked that they observed that the Greek Cypriot mentality had not changed, and they refused to accept that the Turkish Cypriot people were being ignored.

Üstel emphasized that there are two sovereign peoples in Cyprus and expressed happiness that President Erdoğan called for the recognition of the TRNC during the United Nations General Assembly. He conveyed his thanks on behalf of the people.

He also mentioned their efforts to strengthen relations with the Organization of Turkic States and their representation with the TRNC flag. Üstel underlined that they would continue to work with Turkey to introduce the TRNC to the world, overcome embargoes, and enhance its status.

Üstel stated that negotiations could not take place without recognizing the equality of the Turkish Cypriot people. He stressed that the TRNC's sovereignty had to be acknowledged before discussions could proceed.

Fikri Ataoğlu, Deputy Prime Minister and Leader of the Democratic Party (DP), also commented on the meeting, expressing his gratitude to President Tatar. Ataoğlu highlighted their support for the protection of the rights of the TRNC and efforts to enhance its relations and visibility. He emphasized their commitment to promoting the TRNC.

Tufan Erhürman, leader of the Republican Turkish Party (CTP), mentioned that they held a briefing meeting today, similar to those conducted before the New York visit. Erhürman stated that such meetings were positive for listening to different perspectives.

Erhürman acknowledged that there were fundamental differences between himself and President Tatar on the essence of the Cyprus issue. He claimed that the Turkish Cypriot side was made invisible and ignored in New York, with the Greek Cypriot leader addressing the UN General Assembly.

Erhürman emphasized that although opinions could differ, the Turkish Cypriot side had never shied away from dialogue and diplomacy and should not do so in the future. He also questioned statements regarding President Tatar's alleged rejection of a trilateral meeting invitation by the UN Secretary-General, calling it a mistake.

Source: TAK

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