reading time: 1 min.

U.S. Voices Concerns Over Serbia's Military Buildup on Kosovo Border

U.S. Voices Concerns Over Serbia's Military Buildup on Kosovo Border

The White House has raised concerns about Serbia's "unprecedented" military buildup along the Kosovo border and called on the Belgrade government to "withdraw its forces." As tensions persist between Kosovo and Serbia, the White House issued a new statement on the matter.

Publish Date: 30/09/23 13:34
reading time: 1 min.
U.S. Voices Concerns Over Serbia's Military Buildup on Kosovo Border
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The statement reported that Serbia has made an "unprecedented" military buildup along the Kosovo border and called on the Belgrade government to "withdraw its forces."

Serbian President Aleksandar Vucic had previously stated that three Kosovo Serbs had been killed and two seriously injured after being surrounded following the killing of a police officer in Kosovo last weekend. He claimed that Kosovo Prime Minister Albin Kurti was responsible for the incidents and suggested that everything was part of a premeditated plan to drag Serbia into a conflict with NATO.

NATO's military force in Kosovo, KFOR, had announced five days ago that it was "ready to respond" to the tension in northern Kosovo.

Source: White House (via TAK)

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