reading time: 1 min.

Journalist Ali Kişmir's Trial Postponed to December 28

Journalist Ali Kişmir's Trial Postponed to December 28

The trial of Ali Kişmir, the President of the Press Workers' Union (Basın-Sen), who faced up to 10 years in prison for an article he wrote in 2020, has been postponed to December 28.

Publish Date: 27/11/23 14:13
reading time: 1 min.
Journalist Ali Kişmir's Trial Postponed to December 28
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The case was brought before the Nicosia Assize Court today.

The court session was attended by several MPs, political party representatives, journalists, as well as Ali Kişmir's family and friends.

The Nicosia Assize Court decided to postpone Kişmir's trial to Thursday, December 28.

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