reading time: 2 min.

Freezing Cold Grips Eastern Anatolia

Freezing Cold Grips Eastern Anatolia

The provinces of Erzurum, Ardahan, Kars, and Ağrı in Turkey, continue to experience cold weather.

Publish Date: 29/11/23 14:16
reading time: 2 min.
Freezing Cold Grips Eastern Anatolia
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In Erzurum, the snowfall and blizzard from the previous day have given way to freezing cold.

In the city where the nighttime temperature dropped to minus 11 degrees Celsius, sidewalks, and roads became icy. Icicles formed on building roofs, and car windows were covered with frost in the city.

Some citizens attempted to protect their car windows from the cold by covering them with blankets.

In Erzurum, where fountains, trees, streets, and avenues are covered in ice, municipal teams continue salt spreading and snow removal efforts.


Cold weather also adversely affects life in Ardahan.

Due to the cold weather persisting for 2 days in the city, roads became icy, and hoarfrost formed.

Frozen Puddles in Kars

In Kars, the cold weather that followed the snowfall had negative effects on life.

Due to the cold weather, small puddles froze, and citizens tried to protect their vehicles with blankets.

Icicles formed on building roofs in the Sarıkamış district, and the windows of houses and workplaces were covered with frost. Some ponds and streams in the district froze.

Due to the cold weather, some vehicles froze, and the fuel filter of a frozen vehicle was attempted to be opened with hot water.

Auto mechanic Turan Yanar said that some vehicles froze due to extreme cold.


In Ağrı, cold weather continues to prevail. In the city where car windows are frosted, trees are covered with hoarfrost.

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