reading time: 1 min.

Excessive Residue Found in Imported Apples

Excessive Residue Found in Imported Apples

The Agriculture Department announced the results of its food analyses, revealing that imported apples exceeded the permissible limit for pesticide residue. Additionally, unauthorized pesticides were detected in locally produced cucumbers and chard.

Publish Date: 01/12/23 14:03
reading time: 1 min.
Excessive Residue Found in Imported Apples
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The samples were collected and analyzed between November 24th and 30th, with the outcomes assessed according to pesticide residue limits set by the European Union.

In imported products, 40 out of 42 apple samples were deemed clean, but two samples were found to contain excessive levels of pesticide residues. Engin Değirmenci's apples were returned to the origin due to the detected pesticide, while apples (Golden) from Svs Tic. Ltd. were destroyed upon the company's request.

Among local products, 16 out of 18 samples were clean, but two samples were found to have unauthorized pesticide residues. Cucumbers from Caner Safel in Alsancak village were destroyed due to the detected unauthorized pesticide, and chard from Nihat Aydın in Çamlıbel village was also destroyed for the same reason.

Source: TAK

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