reading time: 2 min.

Tatar Rejects Assassination Attempt Claim by Israeli Prime Ministry

Tatar Rejects Assassination Attempt Claim by Israeli Prime Ministry

The administration in North Nicosia has expressed its dismay over Israel's claim that Mossad thwarted an assassination attempt against Jews in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). President Ersin Tatar stated that such an incident did not occur.

Publish Date: 11/12/23 12:55
reading time: 2 min.
Tatar Rejects Assassination Attempt Claim by Israeli Prime Ministry
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The Israeli Prime Ministry made a statement on its social media account, alleging that they prevented an assassination attempt against Jews in the TRNC by Iran. Israel's claim has sparked reactions in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

In a statement to TRT Haber, President Ersin Tatar mentioned his meeting with Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan. Tatar said, "Such an incident has not occurred in the TRNC state. All our security forces have closely monitored the relevant statement."


Tatar emphasized that the TRNC has taken necessary measures at both sea and land borders and in the air. He stated, "We are closely monitoring the events. The TRNC state never permits terrorist acts on its soil. We are following the process with sensitivity."

President Tatar also highlighted that all relevant units in the TRNC are in close dialogue with Turkey.

Tatar noted that there were two arrests in South Cyprus, but no such incident occurred in the TRNC.

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