reading time: 2 min.

Ali Başman: It's Impossible to Make Ends Meet with the Current Minimum Wage

Ali Başman: It's Impossible to Make Ends Meet with the Current Minimum Wage

Ali Başman, the new representative of the Employers' Union in the Minimum Wage Determination Committee, stated that it is impossible to make ends meet with the current minimum wage. He emphasized that with a 50% increase in the minimum wage, it would reach around 23,500 or 24,000, making it possible for people to get by.

Publish Date: 10/01/24 14:10
reading time: 2 min.
Ali Başman: It's Impossible to Make Ends Meet with the Current Minimum Wage
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Speaking to BRT, Başman mentioned that he personally does not have any problems, but he highlighted the existence of a serious economic crisis and informality in the country. He pointed out that some businesses, especially small ones, are facing significant difficulties.

Regarding the comments made by Ahmet Serdaroğlu, the representative of the workers in the minimum wage negotiations, Başman stated that there is no problem with his comments, and he emphasized the two-sided nature of the issue. He mentioned the challenges faced by low-wage workers and the serious crises experienced by small businesses. He argued that the focus should be on the tax brackets announced by the government, stating that they are inadequate.

Başman expressed the need to expand the tax brackets, especially in the 25-35% range, and highlighted the insufficiency of the current tax brackets, particularly with the high inflation rate.

He concluded by stating that the adjustment of tax brackets is crucial, and although it is not the main issue in the minimum wage negotiations, it is something that needs to be addressed.


Source: BRT 

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