reading time: 2 min.

Forest Fires Claim 122 Lives in Chile

Forest Fires Claim 122 Lives in Chile

Forest fires continuing in Chile have claimed the lives of 122 people, authorities reported.

Publish Date: 06/02/24 13:27
reading time: 2 min.
Forest Fires Claim 122 Lives in Chile
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Health officials announced that the death toll from the fires, which are affecting the central and southern regions of the country, has risen to 122. The statement mentioned that the number of casualties has reached 122, with search efforts ongoing for missing individuals.

An announcement from the Forensic Medicine Center indicated that the identification of 32 individuals has been completed through autopsy procedures.

Efforts from both air and ground continue in the extinguishing of the fires.

Fires in Chile

Local reports indicated that a fire broke out in the Penuelas Lake Natural Park, located approximately 20 kilometers from Valparaiso.

In a statement from the National Disaster Prevention and Response Service (Senapred), it was mentioned that the fire rapidly spread due to strong winds, prompting evacuation measures in some towns.

Interior Minister Toha stated that firefighters have managed to control about 40 fires, while efforts continue against 29 forest fires.

Toha also mentioned suspicions that some fires were "intentionally" set.

Chilean President Gabriel Boric declared a state of emergency to ensure that "all necessary resources" are available. Boric also noted that curfews have been imposed in affected cities to facilitate the evacuation of roads and ease access for responders.

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