reading time: 1 min.

Akan Kürşat to be Extradited to South Cyprus tomorrow

Akan Kürşat to be Extradited to South Cyprus tomorrow

Akan Kürşat, Turkish Cypriot lawyer who was arrested in Italy at the beginning of January, is set to be extradited to South Cyprus tomorrow. Kürşat, who was detained in Italy on the grounds of an international arrest warrant dating back to 2007, is being extradited to South Cyprus.

Publish Date: 07/02/24 13:12
Update Date: 09/02/24 11:36
reading time: 1 min.
Akan Kürşat to be Extradited to South Cyprus tomorrow
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According to reliable sources obtained by Kıbrıs Postası, Kürşat appeared in court in Italy yesterday, where he voluntarily agreed to the extradition and is expected to be brought to the island tomorrow under the escort of inspectors who will depart from South Cyprus.

Kürşat is accused by South Cyprus authorities of involvement in the sale of Greek Cypriot properties located in the northern part of the island.

While there is no information provided yet regarding the time of his arrival to the island, it is anticipated that he will be brought before the court upon his return.


Source: Kıbrıs Postası

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