reading time: 3 min.

Suspect Importing Drugs From the South Faces Additional Detention

Suspect Importing Drugs From the South Faces Additional Detention

Suspect A.K., found in possession of 250 grams of drugs while crossing from South Cyprus to North Cyprus, appeared before court again.

Publish Date: 07/02/24 13:28
reading time: 3 min.
Suspect Importing Drugs From the South Faces Additional Detention
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Detailing the case in court, a police officer revealed that the suspect admitted during interrogation to obtaining the drugs from an individual in South Cyprus and intending to leave them at a location in North Cyprus as directed by that person. The suspect confessed that in exchange for this task, they would receive 25 grams of drugs. The suspect will remain in custody for a further 8 days as part of the ongoing investigation.

A.K., arrested in Nicosia for "illegal importation and possession of cannabis," appeared in court again for an extension request.

Testifying in court about the matter, police officer Ertu Akşanoğlu shared findings related to the incident. Akşanoğlu stated that on February 2, 2024, at 19:20, suspect A.K. entered North Cyprus through the Metehan Border Crossing Point in a vehicle with license plate DD 135. During a search of the vehicle's trunk, approximately 250 grams of a substance believed to be drugs hidden inside a speaker cabinet were found and seized as evidence, leading to the suspect's arrest on the spot.

The police officer disclosed that the suspect confessed during interrogation to obtaining the drugs from an individual in South Cyprus. The police also stated that the suspect confessed to intending to leave the drugs at a location in North Cyprus as directed by the person in the South and receiving 25 grams of drugs in return.

The police explained that the seized substance was sent to the State Chemistry Laboratory the day before, but due to a malfunctioning analysis device, they could not obtain an analysis report. The police requested an additional 8 days of detention for further statements, investigation of individuals involved, and examination of the suspect's phone records.

Assessing the testimony, Judge Zehra Yalkut Bilgeç ordered the suspect to remain in custody for another 8 days for investigative purposes.

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