reading time: 2 min.

4% of Tourists to South Cyprus Choose Accommodation in the TRNC

4% of Tourists to South Cyprus Choose Accommodation in the TRNC

According to Filokipros Rusunidis, the General Manager of the Greek Cypriot Hoteliers Association, a mere 4% of tourists entering South Cyprus opt to stay in accommodations located in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).

Publish Date: 12/02/24 13:08
reading time: 2 min.
4% of Tourists to South Cyprus Choose Accommodation in the TRNC
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In an interview with Politis newspaper, Rusunidis shed light on the discrepancy between the high number of tourists visiting South Cyprus in 2023 and the seemingly stagnant hotel occupancy rates. He attributed this disparity to the significant influx of tourists choosing to cross into the TRNC.

Rusunidis referred to a 2019 study which revealed that only 4% of tourists arriving at South Cyprus airports ultimately stayed in accommodations in the TRNC. Remarkably, this percentage has steadily increased over time, now nearing double digits. He underscored the need for Greek Cypriot authorities to take note of this trend, as it has serious implications for the hospitality sector, businesses, and the overall economy. The diversion of tourists to the TRNC represents a substantial loss for hotels and other enterprises operating in South Cyprus. Thus, Rusunidis emphasized the urgency for strategic measures to address this challenge and retain more tourists within the South Cyprus hospitality sector.


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