reading time: 4 min.

Erhürman: This is the Island of Universities, But the Reality Is Different

Erhürman: This is the Island of Universities, But the Reality Is Different

Republican Turkish Party (CTP) leader Tufan Erhürman spoke today in Parliament about higher education, Eastern Mediterranean University (EMU), the flood disaster in Geçitköy, the Statistics Institute, and the problems in the citrus industry.

Publish Date: 12/02/24 17:20
reading time: 4 min.
Erhürman: This is the Island of Universities, But the Reality Is Different
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Pointing out the negative developments in universities, Erhürman emphasized that there have been problems in this field for a long time, just like in other areas. Erhürman stressed that they have repeatedly called for measures to be taken in this field, stating that today's alleged events did not come as a surprise. Erhürman emphasized that they have no chance of ignoring this issue and will soon bring a proposal to the Parliament to establish a research committee on the supervision of YÖDAK (Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation and Coordination Council) and universities. Erhürman stated that Parliament cannot remain indifferent to these issues, saying, "Even though we don't call them sectors, universities represent an area that concerns the country economically." Erhürman underlined that while the slogan 'This is the Island of Universities' may imply one thing, the reality is different. He discussed the inflation in terms of the number of universities and faculty members. Erhürman also spoke about those who are not actually students but are on the island, highlighting that these situations create serious value loss.


Erhürman indicated the urgent need for Parliament to intervene in this field, saying, "It is clear that the existing institutional structure is not doing the desired job." Erhürman emphasized the need to discuss both legislative deficiencies and what YÖDAK has done or not done. He also stressed the need to address how to deal with the 'inflation' in this field. Erhürman said, "The axle has broken here, and we are facing the consequences." He pointed out the financial and workload situation of faculty members, mentioning academics who continue to pay social security at the minimum wage. Erhürman emphasized that quality cannot be ensured in this way. Speaking about EMU, Erhürman said, "EMU should be the pioneer of quality-oriented higher education in this country. The standards set there become decisive." Erhürman emphasized that the problems related to EMU should now end as they should, emphasizing the need to prioritize quality.


Erhürman described the situation in the citrus industry as alarming. He stated that they have received information that export opportunities have significantly decreased as of today. Erhürman said there is a serious problem in the short term, expressing concerns. Erhürman said, "The number is so big that there are serious concerns in this area." He emphasized the need for a realistic approach to overcome some obstacles. Speaking about the flood disaster in Geçitköy, Erhürman reminded that there are very few people there. After seeing what happened in Geçitköy, Erhürman said, "A few people suffered great losses." Erhürman's recommendation was to establish a laboratory to determine what is missing and what is surplus. He also emphasized the need to examine why the region suffered so much damage, including bureaucratic difficulties. Asking about reports of difficulties for some Cypriot Armenians who are citizens of the Republic of Cyprus entering the country, Erhürman said, "Is there such a thing?" Erhürman commented on statements by Ünal Üstel, saying, "He said, 'We have achieved both economic stability and political stability.' Normally, I could talk about this for hours. 'Both economic and political stability have been achieved.' Am I living somewhere else, or are others? I don't know."

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