reading time: 2 min.

KTOEÖS President: We Will Not Give Up Our Struggle

KTOEÖS President: We Will Not Give Up Our Struggle

Cyprus Turkish Secondary Education Teachers' Union (KTOEÖS) President Selma Eylem stated that they will not give up their struggle for qualified, scientific education, secular, democratic, free societal structure, solution, peace, and humane life

Publish Date: 12/02/24 17:27
reading time: 2 min.
KTOEÖS President: We Will Not Give Up Our Struggle
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In a written statement, KTOEÖS President Selma Eylem said, "Universities that issue fake diplomas for money and the capital that benefits from it, along with politicians and those appointed by triple decree, are only a part of the system created in our country."

Eylem argued that "permission was given for the opening of dozens of universities for the sake of interest, incentives, exemptions were provided," and noted that "quantity, commercial sector understanding is prioritized rather than an understanding of quality, education, and science production." Eylem stated, "Irreversible damage has been done to education, social and cultural structure, public health, safety, and this damage is quite significant."

Claiming that "a system of money laundering, prostitution, criminal incidents, traffic terror, corruption, plunder, bribery, favoritism, and giveaways has been created, and profited from this system," Selma Eylem argued that "public education and health are sacrificed, the people are impoverished, and the country is being further distanced from being a livable place every passing day."

Asserting that "no investment is made in public education, schools are falling apart while theological schools, complexes are being built, and sect, foundation, association organizations are being tolerated," Eylem stated that "the future of society is designed within this framework."

Disputing the meaning of the term "equal sovereign state," KTOEÖS President Eylem referred to athletics competitions held in Turkey. Eylem stated that they will continue to fight against those who maintain this system and try to ensure its continuation.

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