reading time: 3 min.

Maviş: Propaganda in Villages for Religious Education Classes to be Taught by Theology Graduates

Maviş: Propaganda in Villages for Religious Education Classes to be Taught by Theology Graduates

Burak Maviş, the General Secretary of the Cyprus Turkish Teachers' Union (KTÖS), claimed that propaganda is being conducted in villages to have Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge classes taught not by primary school teachers, but by theology graduates. Maviş stated that the police have been informed about the matter.

Publish Date: 21/02/24 13:59
reading time: 3 min.
Maviş: Propaganda in Villages for Religious Education Classes to be Taught by Theology Graduates
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Burak Maviş appeared as a guest on the 'Good Morning Cyprus' program hosted by Serhat İncirli on Channel Sim.

Maviş alleged that some individuals are organizing propaganda in villages for Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge classes to be taught by theology graduates rather than primary school teachers. He mentioned that documents supporting this demand have been distributed to Dörtyol, Yeniboğaziçi, and Yedikonuk Primary Schools through a member of a teachers' union established by the Turkish Republic Embassy, who is also a member of a political party in Turkey. These documents were handed out to parents at village coffeehouses and during Friday prayers, leading to propaganda efforts to influence schools. Additionally, Maviş stated that in May, during discussions on the Teachers (Amendment) Law in the parliament, National Unity Party (UBP) MP Sunat Atun proposed this clause. Maviş added, "The parliament, led by Nazım Çavuşoğlu, rejected this proposal with a majority vote."

Maviş emphasized that Religious Culture and Moral Knowledge classes are taught by primary school teachers, focusing on culture and morality content. He asserted that those attempting to create pressure on this matter are not on legitimate grounds. Maviş also claimed that the police are now involved and gathering information regarding this issue.

Maviş's questions regarding the issue are as follows:

"-Is the purpose of preparing and distributing these documents related to placing theology graduates in primary schools?

-Is there an association under the guidance of the Turkish Republic Embassy named KIBTES involved in this matter?

-Or is it the Süleymancılar sect, organized under the name of the Association for Aid to Students in Education since 1996?"

Maviş concluded by stating, "Whoever is behind this, they should know that we will not stop pursuing this matter."


Source: Kanal Sim

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