reading time: 3 min.

Court Rejects Application Regarding Turkish Cypriot Properties in Paphos

Court Rejects Application Regarding Turkish Cypriot Properties in Paphos

The administrative court in South Cyprus has reportedly rejected an application filed by a Turkish Cypriot and his daughter to annul the decision for their properties in Paphos to remain under the administration of the Turkish Cypriot Property Trust.

Publish Date: 29/02/24 15:39
reading time: 3 min.
Court Rejects Application Regarding Turkish Cypriot Properties in Paphos
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According to Fileleftheros newspaper, the applicant, who resides in Kyrenia, is the registered owner of 46 plots of land in the Mutallo, Lemba (Çıralı), and Dimi villages in Paphos.

The newspaper stated that the transfer of the aforementioned properties to the applicant's daughter, under the condition that they would remain under the protection of the Turkish Cypriot Property Trust and that subsequent transfers of inherited property would not be allowed without the permission of the Trust, was approved by the Director of the Turkish Cypriot Property Administration Unit.

It was reported that on January 10, 2018, through a fully authorized attorney, a declaration was made for the transfer of the 46 properties to the applicant's daughter through a donation. The approval was granted under the condition that the existing guardianship and administration status would not be affected in any way, and that the properties would remain under the protection of the Turkish Cypriot Property Trust, with the additional condition that consecutive transfers of inherited property would not be allowed without permission.

The newspaper highlighted that these conditions were explicitly stated in a handwritten and signed declaration by the applicant's fully authorized representative on July 3, 2018. However, the daughter, in her application, argued that the provisions of the law regarding Turkish Cypriot properties should not apply due to her French nationality and permanent residence in France.

The court, after examining the reasons for the application, reportedly conveyed in its decision that it found the applicant (the daughter of the property owner) fully accepted the conditions presented by the Trust regarding the preservation of the guardianship status over the property in question. Consequently, the court concluded that it was not possible for the applicant to object to the conditions accepted without reservation.

Therefore, the court's decision through this application reaffirmed that the applicant had clearly accepted the conditions set forth by the Turkish Cypriot Property Trust through her representative, including the decisive condition that the management of the property to be registered in her name would continue to be under the trusteeship as long as the irregular situation persists in Cyprus.

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