reading time: 1 min.

Avcı has tendered his resignation to President Ersin Tatar

Avcı has tendered his resignation to President Ersin Tatar

Turgay Avcı, the President of the Higher Education Planning, Evaluation, Accreditation, and Coordination Council (YÖDAK), has submitted his resignation to President Ersin Tatar. President Tatar called upon him to resign, citing the allegations

Publish Date: 15/03/24 13:21
reading time: 1 min.
Avcı has tendered his resignation to President Ersin Tatar
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Turgay Avcı's resignation comes amid allegations that he received $10,000 from a police academy under investigation at the Cyprus Society and Health Sciences University.

After being released on bail on Tueasday, President Tatar had called for Avcı's resignation. Additionally, President Tatar had applied to the Supreme Judicial Council for Avcı's removal from office.

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