reading time: 1 min.

Tubed Gas Sees a ₺30 Price Hike!

Tubed Gas Sees a ₺30 Price Hike!

As of today, the price of a 10-kilogram household cylinder of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) has increased by ₺30, reaching ₺445.

Publish Date: 01/04/24 14:11
reading time: 1 min.
Tubed Gas Sees a ₺30 Price Hike!
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This adjustment comes following the publication of the Regulation and Supervision of Goods and Services (Class D Petroleum Products (LPG) Maximum Retail Price) Decree in the Official Gazette, which has led to the reorganization of gas prices.

According to the new regulation, the price of a 10-kilogram household cylinder has been raised from ₺415 to ₺445, marking a 7% increase.

Previously, on February 28th, the price of tubed gas had increased by ₺25, reaching ₺415.

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