reading time: 1 min.

CHP Candidate Cemil Tugay Wins Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayorship

CHP Candidate Cemil Tugay Wins Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayorship

In the local elections in Turkey, the third-largest city in Turkey, Izmir, once again saw victory for the CHP.

Publish Date: 01/04/24 14:13
reading time: 1 min.
CHP Candidate Cemil Tugay Wins Izmir Metropolitan Municipality Mayorship
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According to the Anadolu Agency (AA), with approximately 96% of the votes counted, CHP candidate Cemil Tugay secured around 49% of the votes, while AKP candidate Hamza Dağ received 37%.

CHP has consistently been the leading party in Izmir in all elections since 2002.

Following the initial results, Cemil Tugay stated, "We see that the struggle we initiated has found resonance among the people and is being supported. This gives us great strength."

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