reading time: 1 min.

Metsola to visit Larnaca’s Gaza Aid Centre

Metsola to visit Larnaca’s Gaza Aid Centre

The president of the European parliament, Roberta Metsola, is in Cyprus for a two-day working visit.

Publish Date: 02/04/24 11:40
reading time: 1 min.
Metsola to visit Larnaca’s Gaza Aid Centre
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On Monday evening, the EP president was received by President Nikos Christodoulides at the Presidential Palace.

Early Tuesday morning Metsola met with Greek Cypriot and Turkish Cypriot representatives of youth organisations from civil society on the European elections, at the EU House.

Later on the EP president visited the House president Annita Demetriou.

At 11.00am, she will visit the Joint Rescue Coordination Centre, where President Christodoulides will inform her about the Amalthea initiative.

Government spokesperson Konstantinos Letymbiotis had said that the EP president’s working visit is, once more, a testament to the EU’s active interest concerning the initiative of the Republic of Cyprus, which enjoys international acknowledgement and support.


Source: CNA

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