reading time: 3 min.

Ercan Airport Expects 375 Arrivals During Ramadan Holiday Traffic

Ercan Airport Expects 375 Arrivals During Ramadan Holiday Traffic

According to a statement from T&T Airport Management, Ercan Airport will host a total of 375 incoming and 374 outgoing flights during the 10-day period covering the Ramadan holiday in the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) from April 5 to April 14.

Publish Date: 02/04/24 11:47
reading time: 3 min.
Ercan Airport Expects 375 Arrivals During Ramadan Holiday Traffic
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Ercan Airport will serve 749 flights and thousands of passengers, including scheduled, charter, and additional flights during the Ramadan holiday, except for private planes.

The statement emphasized that the extension of the Ramadan holiday to 9 days in the TRNC, following the decision in the Republic of Turkey, increased expectations for mutual passenger flow between Turkey and the TRNC.

Highlighting the anticipated heavy traffic at Ercan Airport during the Ramadan holiday, T&T Airport Management announced that all necessary precautions have been taken in collaboration with the sector to ensure the safe and comfortable completion of passengers' flights.

84 Aircraft Traffic Expected on the Last Day of the Holiday

The busiest day at the airport is expected to be Sunday, April 14. On the last day of the holiday, Ercan Airport will serve 84 flights, consisting of 42 arrivals and 42 departures.

Here is the breakdown of the expected flight traffic each day from April 5 to April 14:

  • April 5: 36 arrivals, 36 departures
  • April 6: 34 arrivals, 34 departures
  • April 7: 40 arrivals, 40 departures
  • April 8: 37 arrivals, 36 departures
  • April 9: 36 arrivals, 36 departures
  • April 10: 39 arrivals, 39 departures
  • April 11: 37 arrivals, 36 departures
  • April 12: 36 arrivals, 38 departures
  • April 13: 37 arrivals, 37 departures
  • April 14 (last day of the holiday): 42 arrivals, 42 departures

Statement by M. Serhat Özçelik

M. Serhat Özçelik, General Manager of T&T Airport Management, assured passengers using Ercan Airport during the Ramadan holiday that all necessary measures have been taken to ensure their comfort and trouble-free flights.

Özçelik noted that as with every holiday, the traffic at Ercan Airport during the Eid al-Fitr would be very heavy this year as well. He expressed their commitment to providing the best service to guests using the airport.

During the 10-day period from April 5 to April 14, a total of 375 arrivals and 374 departures, totaling 749 flights, are expected to be served at Ercan Airport, Özçelik added, highlighting that the busiest day during the holiday will be Sunday with 84 flights. Özçelik extended his greetings for the Ramadan holiday to the public.

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