reading time: 2 min.

Woman Swallows 1 Kilogram of Drugs at Larnaca Airport!

Woman Swallows 1 Kilogram of Drugs at Larnaca Airport!

Last Saturday at Larnaca Airport, a woman ingested 164 packages of drugs in tablet form, containing approximately one kilogram of cocaine. The 24-year-old Brazilian woman, who was arrested after being found with a large quantity of drugs, is reportedly under observation at the hospital.

Publish Date: 02/04/24 13:11
reading time: 2 min.
Woman Swallows 1 Kilogram of Drugs at Larnaca Airport!
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According to the Fileleftheros newspaper, the Brazilian woman informed narcotics police that she had swallowed 164 packages of drugs, each containing about one kilogram of cocaine.

The newspaper reported that as of yesterday afternoon, 40 packages had been removed, with the process ongoing to extract the remaining ones.

Highlighting the potential danger to the woman's life if any of the packages were to burst, the newspaper indicated that she appeared to have worked as a "mule" for a drug gang operating in Brazil.

The report stated that the Brazilian woman arrived in South Cyprus via Doha, and no suspicious items were found in her luggage during checks at Larnaca Airport. She confessed to swallowing the drugs upon interrogation.

Following her admission, the woman was taken to Larnaca General Hospital for examination. She has been ordered to remain in custody at the hospital for eight days.

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