reading time: 2 min.

Amcaoğlu: "There is an Economic Crisis Worldwide"

Amcaoğlu: "There is an Economic Crisis Worldwide"

Economy and Energy Minister Olgun Amcaoğlu stated that a protocol, signed by the heads of the Butchers' Association and Livestock Breeders' Association, was established for lamb meat to be included in the supervised goods category for one month. He emphasized that the government took steps in agreement with stakeholders. Amcaoğlu responds to the critics at today's parliamentary session.

Publish Date: 16/04/24 15:24
reading time: 2 min.
Amcaoğlu: "There is an Economic Crisis Worldwide"
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Amcaoğlu mentioned that officials conduct inspections in the market and clarified that there is no situation where sales are not allowed.

Highlighting that economic problems are not unique to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC), Amcaoğlu explained that inflation is also experienced in major countries worldwide. He referred to recent decisions regarding interest rates and the decision to reflect inflation every four months.

Reiterating that there is an economic crisis worldwide, Amcaoğlu acknowledged that Özuslu's prediction of the economy worsening within two years, as mentioned in the survey, is indeed a valid forecast. He also added that one wing of the Parliament, among the least trusted institutions according to the survey, belongs to the opposition.

During Amcaoğlu's speech, CTP Member of Parliament Ceyhun Birinci intervened, stating that he couldn't find lamb meat at the butcher's shop during the holiday and questioned whether the protocol was flawed or incomplete.

Another CTP Member of Parliament, Fide Kürşat, reminded that the Market Law has been in effect for a year and asked, "When will the markets be operational?" Minister Amcaoğlu responded that the regulations are ready, and once the tender process is completed, work will commence.

CTP Member of Parliament Fikri Toros, intervening, stated that the problem with meat arises from the imbalance between supply and demand, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive approach rather than palliative attempts. He inquired whether the issue has been addressed by the Ministry. Amcaoğlu replied that the main responsibility lies with the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry.


Source: TAK 

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