reading time: 1 min.

Turkish Cypriots due in Court for Limassol Muggings

Turkish Cypriots due in Court for Limassol Muggings

Two Turkish Cypriot men are due to appear in court for a spate of muggings in Limassol, it emerged on Friday.

Publish Date: 26/04/24 13:15
reading time: 1 min.
Turkish Cypriots due in Court for Limassol Muggings
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The two men, 21, were arrested in Limassol after it emerged they had been riding around on motorcycles knocking women down and stealing their purses.

Police examinations identified three stolen motorcycles, three women’s handbags, about €120, a watch and various personal belongings of the victims.

In one case the perpetrators knocked down a 73-year-old.

There was a third 17-year-old Turkish Cypriot involved in the incident. No information was available on whether he has been released, as he is a minor.


Source: Cyprus Mail 

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