reading time: 1 min.

Traffic Checks Result in 449 Citations and 3 Arrests Nationwide

Traffic Checks Result in 449 Citations and 3 Arrests Nationwide

In yesterday's nationwide traffic checks, authorities reported 449 drivers, leading to the arrest of 3 individuals and the impoundment of 23 vehicles. A total of 2,280 vehicle drivers were inspected during the operations.

Publish Date: 29/04/24 13:33
reading time: 1 min.
Traffic Checks Result in 449 Citations and 3 Arrests Nationwide
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According to a statement released by the Police Press Office, the traffic teams conducted comprehensive inspections across the country.

Of the drivers inspected, 449 were reported for various traffic violations, prompting legal action against them. Additionally, 3 drivers were taken into custody, and 23 vehicles were confiscated.

The most common traffic offense recorded was exceeding the legal speed limit, followed by the use of mobile phones while driving. Among the reported violations, 257 drivers were found to be speeding, while 55 were caught using their phones behind the wheel.

Furthermore, 8 individuals were reported for driving under the influence of alcohol, 6 for driving without a valid license or insurance, 6 for failing to wear a seatbelt, and 13 for operating unregistered vehicles. Additionally, fines were issued to 118 individuals for various other traffic violations.

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