reading time: 4 min.

Greek FM Urges Immediate Dialogue Between Tatar and Christodoulides

Greek FM Urges Immediate Dialogue Between Tatar and Christodoulides

Greek Foreign Minister Yorgos Yerapetridis emphasized the necessity for dialogue between President Ersin Tatar of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC) and President Nikos Christodoulides of the Republic of Cyprus.

Publish Date: 20/05/24 13:20
reading time: 4 min.
Greek FM Urges Immediate Dialogue Between Tatar and Christodoulides
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Yerapetridis, in an exclusive interview with "Real News," stressed the urgency of resuming negotiations to resolve the Cyprus issue.

Yerapetridis stated, "Greece prioritizes the resolution of the Cyprus problem and places significant importance on the immediate commencement of dialogue between Nikos Christodoulides and Turkish Cypriot leader Ersin Tatar." He noted that the Cyprus issue remains at the forefront of Greek foreign policy.

During Greek Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis's visit to Ankara and his meeting with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the Cyprus issue was also discussed. Yerapetridis reiterated Greece's clear stance that both parties should negotiate within the framework of the United Nations Security Council’s resolution for a bi-zonal, bi-communal federation.

Yerapetridis advocated for a productive dialogue that leads to a sustainable and beneficial solution within the established resolutions. He highlighted that both the Greek and Cypriot governments believe the improvement of Greek-Turkish relations could positively influence the initiation of dialogue on the Cyprus issue.

The Greek Foreign Minister also mentioned the excellent cooperation with the UN Secretary-General’s Personal Representative Maria Angela Holguin and Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, stating they are in regular communication to activate the dialogue mechanism between the two sides.

Yerapetridis announced that Mitsotakis and Erdoğan would meet again during the UN General Assembly in September 2024 and potentially at the NATO Summit in Washington if necessary. He also mentioned that the Turkish-Greek High-Level Cooperation Council would convene in Ankara by the end of the year, including a new round of political discussions on a positive agenda and confidence-building measures.

In response to comments from Cypriot President Christodoulides that Holguin's efforts were not deadlocked, Fileleftheros reported that the UN Secretary-General would meet with Holguin in early June to review the progress before she writes her report. Holguin aims to facilitate a joint meeting between the two leaders and is expected to be cautious in her report to avoid complicating the situation.

Additionally, AKEL General Secretary Stefanos Stefanou urged Christodoulides to consider or at least discuss within the National Council AKEL's proposal to evaluate the energy dynamics in Cyprus and the wider region. He warned that the current stagnation in the Cyprus problem strengthens Turkey’s position, advocating for new proposals and instruments to generate momentum towards a solution.

Stefanou emphasized that the Cyprus issue is at a more critical juncture than ever since 1974, citing Turkey's shift towards a two-state solution and the lack of results from Christodoulides's initiatives. He reiterated AKEL’s call for an energy-focused proposal to be considered by the Cypriot leadership.

Haravgi headlined Stefanou’s remarks as "Stagnation Strengthens Turkish Policy… Stefanou Calls on Christodoulides to Evaluate AKEL’s Proposal."

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