reading time: 2 min.

Fire Department Report: 12 Fires, 22 Special Service Incidents

Fire Department Report: 12 Fires, 22 Special Service Incidents

According to information provided by the Police Press Officer, a total of 12 fires and 22 special service incidents occurred in the TRNC between May 13th and 19th. During the specified period, a total of 12 fires and 22 special service incidents took place. The total damage caused by the fires amounted to 2,319,500 TL.

Publish Date: 20/05/24 14:35
reading time: 2 min.
Fire Department Report: 12 Fires, 22 Special Service Incidents
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The possible causes of the fires that occurred during the specified date range include electrical short circuits, discarded cigarette butts without proper extinguishing, fires getting out of control when burning for cleaning purposes, intentional burning by individuals, sparks from broken electrical wires igniting dry grass, oil heating up and igniting in forgotten pots left on operating stoves, oily fiber insulation under the lower cabin of a truck coming into contact with hot exhaust, and sparks from welding machines igniting dry grass.

Special service incidents included rescuing cats trapped in drainage pipes and the engine compartment of vehicles, rescuing dogs trapped on roofs or fallen into pools, rescuing a pigeon trapped in a chimney flue, rescuing a fox that fell into a pit, rescuing a person trapped on a palm tree, providing measures against fires, arranging for the transfer of deceased individuals to hospitals for forensic investigation purposes, special assignments, ensuring road safety, and providing fire safety training.

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