reading time: 1 min.

Livestock Producers Continue Protests: "We Will Come Back Harder"

Livestock Producers Continue Protests: "We Will Come Back Harder"

The President of the Livestock Producers and Breeders Union, Mustafa Naimoğulları, announced that their protests would continue today, stating, “We will come back harder.” The protests, which began yesterday in front of the Prime Minister’s Office, are set to intensify.

Publish Date: 21/05/24 11:27
reading time: 1 min.
Livestock Producers Continue Protests: "We Will Come Back Harder"
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In a statement to TAK, Naimoğulları emphasized that despite the Prime Minister's promise to attend, he did not show up. "Even if they come, we don’t know if we can reach a resolution. They are already aware of the issues... If a resolution is reached, we will make the necessary announcement," he said. The union members, who left their vehicles at the Prime Minister's Office last night, regrouped at 10:30 AM today.

Yesterday, the livestock producers reignited hay remnants that they had dumped and set on fire in front of the Prime Minister's Office. The fire brigade extinguished the blaze. The union had initiated vehicle-based protests against the government's livestock policies, protesting meat imports, rising input costs, and policies for setting raw milk and live animal prices. Several civil society organizations have also shown support for the union’s protest.

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