reading time: 2 min.

Christodoulides on Official Visit to Poland

Christodoulides on Official Visit to Poland

Cyprus President Nikos Christodoulides will depart for an official visit to Poland on Wednesday to meet with the country’s political leadership. Accompanied by his wife, the president will attend a welcome reception at the presidential palace in Warsaw on Thursday, kicking off the two-day visit.

Publish Date: 21/05/24 13:51
reading time: 2 min.
Christodoulides on Official Visit to Poland
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A private meeting with Polish President Andrzej Duda will follow, taking place alongside extended talks between delegations of the two countries.

Afterwards, the two countries will sign a Memorandum of Understanding in the field of sports.

Later, Christodoulides will visit the Monument of the Unknown Soldier, where he will lay a wreath.

He will then sit down to a working lunch with Prime Minister Donald Tusk, while in the afternoon he will have a meeting with the Parliamentary Speaker Szymon Hołownia.

In the evening, Christodoulides, his wife and members of the Cypriot delegation will sit down to an official dinner hosted by President Duda.

On Friday, the president will travel to Krakow to visit the Jagiellonian University, where he will have a meeting with the rector, speak to students and attend a tour of the university museum.

Later, the president and his entourage will go to the historic centre of the city and visit Wawel Castle, while at noon he will sit down to a working lunch with the Governor of Lesser Poland.

Christodoulides will return to Cyprus on Friday evening.

He will be accompanied by Deputy Minister of European Affairs Marilena Raouna, deputy government spokesman Yannis Antoniou, and other officials.


Source: Cyprus Mail 

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