reading time: 2 min.

Police Press Bulletin...

Police Press Bulletin...

TRNC Police Press Bulletin...

Publish Date: 21/05/24 13:55
reading time: 2 min.
Police Press Bulletin...
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Employee Arrested for Theft at Clothing Store in Nicosia

M.E.Y. (male, 33), an employee at a clothing store in Nicosia, has been arrested for allegedly stealing 137,808 TL in cash that he was supposed to deliver to his employer. According to a statement from the Police Press Officer, an investigation into the matter is ongoing.

Suspect Arrested for Theft at Construction Site

A.T. (male, 41) has been arrested in connection with the theft of 38 iron telescopic materials from an ongoing construction site in Gönyeli. The investigation into the incident continues.

Unauthorized Alcohol Sales at Coffeehouse in Lefke

During an inspection by the Güzelyurt Police Department's Special Operations Teams (CÖŞ) at a coffeehouse in Lefke, it was discovered that the establishment was selling alcoholic beverages without a proper license. Legal proceedings have been initiated against the owner, and the investigation is ongoing.

Fire in Vadili

A field fire in Vadili village resulted in damage to unharvested barley, stubble, one hay bale, and one Zangalak tree. Firefighters successfully extinguished the blaze. The cause of the fire is under investigation.

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