reading time: 2 min.

Naimoğulları Calls for Arıklı’s Resignation: "Who Are You? Resign!"

Naimoğulları Calls for Arıklı’s Resignation: "Who Are You? Resign!"

The President of the Animal Breeders and Producers Association, Mustafa Naimoğulları, harshly criticized Erhan Arıklı, Minister of Public Works and Transportation, stating, "Who are you, disrespectful! Resign!"

Publish Date: 22/05/24 13:23
reading time: 2 min.
Naimoğulları Calls for Arıklı’s Resignation: "Who Are You? Resign!"
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Naimoğulları defended the farmers, emphasizing that they purchased their tractors with hard-earned money and accused Arıklı of being a thief. He demanded that Arıklı disclose his assets and stop belittling the farmers.

Naimoğulları accused Arıklı of seeking publicity and urged voters to reconsider their support for him. "It is our duty to put him in his place," said Naimoğulları, warning that Arıklı would face consequences for his actions.

Arıklı’s Remarks and Farmers' Response

In a statement on Ada TV regarding the ongoing farmers' protests, Arıklı asserted, "No matter how long they continue, the government will not back down on this issue." He criticized the protestors, suggesting that they would not force the government to negotiate by breaking the gates of the Prime Minister's Office or the Parliament. Arıklı remarked, "If you can't make a profit, don't do this job. Coming with tractors worth 3-5 million and breaking gates is not the solution."

Protests Continue: Calls for Resignation

In response to Arıklı’s remarks, farmers reignited their protests outside the Ministry of Transportation. They demanded that Arıklı disclose his assets, chanting "Thief" in front of the ministry building. A significant police presence was established to maintain security.

Protestors, expressing their determination to continue fighting for their rights, accused the ministers of lacking the courage to address their concerns. Demonstrators also threw eggs at the Ministry of Transportation and broke the entrance gate as part of their protest.

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