reading time: 1 min.

Farmers Remove Ministry Gates, Throw Eggs at Building

Farmers Remove Ministry Gates, Throw Eggs at Building

The protest initiated by the Animal Breeders and Producers Association in Nicosia on Monday continued today, with demonstrators escalating their actions. Protestors removed the garden gates of the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation and threw eggs at the building.

Publish Date: 22/05/24 13:26
reading time: 1 min.
Farmers Remove Ministry Gates, Throw Eggs at Building
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Tension briefly flared when firefighters attempted to extinguish a fire set by the protestors in front of the Ministry.

Naimoğulları: "We Are Here to Stay"

Association President Mustafa Naimoğulları criticized the Minister of Public Works and Transportation's statements regarding the farmers. He questioned, "How would you know the struggles these people face?"

Highlighting the global state of agriculture and livestock farming, Naimoğulları demanded that those who attack farmers should immediately step down. He listed the unions and civil society organizations supporting the protest, stating, "This movement is growing like an avalanche. We are here. We will not leave." He also argued that an apology to the farmers was necessary.

Naimoğulları announced that this evening he would meet with unions and civil society organizations to determine the next steps in their protest.

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