reading time: 2 min.

Erhan Arıklı: "Our Population is Approximately 411,000"

Erhan Arıklı: "Our Population is Approximately 411,000"

Public Works and Transportation Minister Erhan Arıklı stated that the population of the country is approximately 411,000, according to the Statistical Institute's data. Speaking on the Ada TV program "Masada," Minister Arıklı emphasized his trust in the institute's figures.

Publish Date: 22/05/24 13:29
reading time: 2 min.
Erhan Arıklı: "Our Population is Approximately 411,000"
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Minister Arıklı pointed out that modern population counting no longer involves confining people to their homes for a census. "These processes are now managed through projections worldwide," he said.

Trust in Statistical Institute

Arıklı stated that the country’s population is well-defined and elaborated:

"The Statistical Institute has declared our population to be 411,000. Whether it's 411,000, 415,000, or 400,000, our population is roughly 411,000. Advanced countries determine their populations through projections. However, there is an ideological segment in our country that refuses to accept this. According to them, the population of TRNC has reached a million. Some academics even used to create their own projections by looking at the number of bread loaves and school buses. It's quite amusing... I trust the figures provided by the Statistical Institute."

Previous Statements by President Tatar

President Ersin Tatar had previously announced the official population as 410,000 in November last year. In a statement made in May, he indicated that the official population was 407,000.

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