reading time: 2 min.

"If You Can't Make a Profit, Don't Do This Job, Brother," Says Minister Arıklı

"If You Can't Make a Profit, Don't Do This Job, Brother," Says Minister Arıklı

Minister of Public Works and Transportation, Erhan Arıklı, appeared on Ada TV's program ‘Masada’ where he sharply criticized the ongoing protests by the Animal Producers and Breeders Association. Minister Arıklı stated, "No matter how long they continue, the government has no chance of backing down on this issue."

Publish Date: 22/05/24 13:32
reading time: 2 min.
"If You Can't Make a Profit, Don't Do This Job, Brother," Says Minister Arıklı
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He added, "If they think the government will back down because a few people, claiming to be livestock producers, are breaking down doors, they are mistaken." Arıklı argued that the protesters are closing off avenues for dialogue with their actions.

"Breaking down the Prime Ministry’s doors, breaking down the doors of the Parliament, and thinking they can force the government to the negotiating table is wrong. They come with tractors worth millions and break down doors; if you can't make a profit, don't do this job, brother," he said.

Emphasizing the lack of rationale behind the protests, Arıklı remarked, "We want to provide affordable meat to our citizens. There is no question of taking even a small step back on this issue."

Highlighting the subsidies given to livestock producers, Arıklı noted, "They are dissatisfied and constantly demand more. As long as this attitude persists, imports will continue."

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