reading time: 2 min.

Erhürman: Salary Figures May Rise, but Purchasing Power Doesn't

Erhürman: Salary Figures May Rise, but Purchasing Power Doesn't

During an interview on Hakikat Web TV with Ceren Ercih, CTP General Secretary Tufan Erhürman addressed the issue of minimum wage, highlighting that while salary figures might increase, purchasing power often remains stagnant. He underscored the significance of enhancing purchasing power rather than merely focusing on numerical raises.

Publish Date: 22/05/24 13:58
reading time: 2 min.
Erhürman: Salary Figures May Rise, but Purchasing Power Doesn't
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Erhürman noted the ongoing protest by the Livestock Breeders and Farmers Union in front of the Prime Ministry for the third consecutive day, criticizing the lack of dialogue with livestock breeders and recalling the support extended by both butchers and restaurant owners to the protest.

"All Sectors Oppose the Decision"

Pointing out the "upside-down success story" of a self-proclaimed government structure, Erhürman highlighted the recent unity among butchers, livestock breeders, and restaurant owners against the frozen import decision. He stressed that every sector opposes the decision, which aims to import products contrary to what they consume.

Erhürman criticized the avoidance of dialogue with protesters, lamenting the lack of engagement with affected parties despite their unanimous opposition. He questioned why these groups were being pitted against each other when they are all part of the same community.

"There's No Alternative but to Break Free from this Mentality"

Erhürman criticized the lack of dialogue with livestock breeders, highlighting that such an approach was unprecedented in the past. He emphasized the urgent need to break free from a governing mentality that fails to plan adequately due to uncertainties surrounding the population. Erhürman stressed the importance of population planning to determine the current population and anticipate future growth rates, asserting that effective management of cultural diversity could be an asset but could lead to chaos if mismanaged.

Erhürman concluded by pointing out that the current governing mentality's sole concern is short-term survival, emphasizing that a society cannot be governed in such a manner without facing consequences.

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