reading time: 5 min.

Kilim: "Federation is the Only Way Forward"

Kilim: "Federation is the Only Way Forward"

During an interview on Kıbrıs Postası's "Agenda" program hosted by Ulaş Barış, Hulusi Kilim, the Secretary General of Volt Cyprus and European Parliament Candidate, highlighted the importance of unity and emphasized that federation is the only viable path forward for Cyprus.

Publish Date: 22/05/24 14:29
reading time: 5 min.
Kilim: "Federation is the Only Way Forward"
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Kilim underscored the core objectives of Volt Cyprus, noting its representation in 30 other European countries and its mission to adapt European policies to Cyprus. He stated, "When we established Volt Cyprus on December 3, 2023, our aim was to establish a bizonal, bicommunal solution in Cyprus, tailored to European frameworks. Cypriots have not come together in the political arena so far. We believe that one of the main reasons for the failure to reach a solution is the lack of adequate communication between communities. One of the reasons for Volt Cyprus' existence is to bring communities together based on the principle of unity, offering representation in Europe and the opportunity to speak with one voice alongside Europe. We can sit at the same table and find common solutions to our common problems. Volt Cyprus exists to create a win-win situation in Cyprus."

"We Can Succeed If We Act Together"

Describing Volt Cyprus as "the party of all Cypriots," Kilim stressed that success can only be achieved if everyone comes together and acts in unison. He asserted, "Only by coming together and acting together can we succeed."

"The Only Path is Federation..."

Kilim provided detailed information about Volt Cyprus' fundamental policies, stating, "We fully support a solution based on federation on the basis of political equality, as stipulated in the UN resolutions for a united Cyprus, bizonal and bicommunal. The solution model must be one accepted by both communities. Any other models are not realistic; they would only exacerbate the problem. Advocating for a two-state policy serves no purpose other than to derail the solution. The common ground is federation. After so much division, let's secure our common land. Let's instill a sense of Cypriot identity in future generations. Let's promise a bilingual future. The only way to offer this opportunity is through federation."

Kilim evaluated the efforts of the Personal Representative of the UN Secretary-General, Maria Angela Holguin Cuellar, expressing trust in her sincerity. He emphasized the importance of raising awareness and maintaining people's faith.

"I Call for Participation in Volt Cyprus During Visits and Meetings"

Kilim candidly acknowledged the existence of an atmosphere of insecurity and inadequacy in the northern part of the island from a political perspective, calling for participation in Volt Cyprus. He stated, "From a political standpoint, there is an atmosphere of insecurity in the north of the island. People find it very difficult to express themselves; they feel trapped in a deadlock politically, and democratically. During my visits and meetings, I call for participation. Come and show your will and make your voice heard. This will be an important step in terms of the messages Turkish Cypriots need to convey externally. Turkish Cypriots can make their voices heard both in the south and in Europe and the United Nations. For this, I request support from our people during my meetings."

"We Know the Right Path: Federation"

Addressing the debates surrounding the candidacy of Salih Oğuzhan Karahan from the Green Movement, Kilim said, "I see that there are discussions about his candidacy. I have no discussions, there is no need to engage in discussion on this issue. Because we know the right path: Federation." Emphasizing that federation is the only solution model, Kilim stated, "Everyone has their own views, which they keep to themselves. There is no need for one side to speak for the other in this regard. We will pursue our policies in a moderate manner."

"We Adopted a Practical, Realistic, and Non-Populist Approach to Turkish"

Pointing out that Turkish is an official language according to the Constitution, Kilim proposed a legislative amendment considering, for example, the presence of Greek language clauses in the registration requirements of professional chambers in the south. He stated, "We have proposed a legislative amendment that will increase the chances of any professional registering in the south to create new job opportunities. We believe that the right to find a job and practice a profession using the official language of Turkish should not be hindered."


Source: Yenidüzen

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