reading time: 2 min.

Fidan Discusses Visa Issues with EU

Fidan Discusses Visa Issues with EU

Turkey's Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan addressed the ongoing visa issues with the European Union (EU) during a joint press conference with EU Neighborhood and Enlargement Commissioner Oliver Varhelyi.

Publish Date: 23/05/24 16:56
reading time: 2 min.
Fidan Discusses Visa Issues with EU
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Fidan stated that there has been a significant backlog in visa matters within the EU recently. He emphasized ongoing negotiations with European counterparts to address these concerns. Fidan highlighted efforts to engage in direct discussions with EU member states and negotiate with EU institutions to facilitate visa procedures, particularly for Turkish businesspeople and students.

Regarding Turkey-EU relations, Fidan underscored the commitment to EU goals, as reaffirmed by President Erdogan after the 2023 Presidential election. He mentioned ongoing preparations within the Ministry to advance Turkey's candidate country status and address enlargement-related issues in collaboration with EU authorities.

Fidan emphasized the necessity of updating the Customs Union between Turkey and the EU, highlighting a mutual agreement reached on this principle during discussions with Commissioner Varhelyi.

In terms of visa liberalization, Fidan outlined a two-stage approach aimed at easing visa restrictions between Turkey and the EU. He stressed ongoing efforts to resolve remaining issues to initiate negotiations for visa liberalization fully.

Overall, Fidan reiterated Turkey's determination to maintain its strategic position and historical journey, emphasizing that preferences from the EU will not alter this commitment.

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