reading time: 3 min.

Karpaz Donkeys at the Center of Controversy Amid Turkey's Animal Euthanasia Debate

Karpaz Donkeys at the Center of Controversy Amid Turkey's Animal Euthanasia Debate

As the debate over euthanizing stray animals continues in Turkey, attention has shifted to the Karpaz donkeys of Northern Cyprus. Turkish newspaper Sözcü highlighted the issue with the headline "Fight over 'Let’s Euthanize the Donkeys' in Northern Cyprus," bringing the plight of these donkeys into the spotlight.

Publish Date: 28/05/24 13:39
reading time: 3 min.
Karpaz Donkeys at the Center of Controversy Amid Turkey's Animal Euthanasia Debate
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Residents of the Karpaz region have voiced complaints about the free-roaming donkeys causing accidents and damaging crops. Kaleburnu village head Halil Yeşilbulut remarked, “Every farmer’s 20-30 dönüms (a unit of land area) of barley and wheat are being destroyed. We are tired of chasing donkeys every day.” Similarly, Avtepe village head Rezvan İnlen expressed frustration, stating, “The number of wild donkeys has increased significantly. Authorities are treating us like donkeys too.”


Speaking to Kıbrıs Postası, Dipkarpaz Environmental Protection and Social Activity Association President Fırat Borak noted that neither Yeşilbulut nor İnlen mentioned euthanizing the donkeys. He suggested that some groups in Turkey are using the Karpaz donkeys to create public support for euthanizing stray dogs. "The Karpaz donkeys are being used as a scapegoat to cover up human and environmental wrongdoings," Borak stated.


Borak highlighted that these reports are crafted deliberately. He acknowledged that the donkey population has grown, causing damage to crops and extending beyond Karpaz. He mentioned a past project aimed at managing the donkey population and protecting them. “The goal here is to take measures to prevent the excessive multiplication of donkeys and to protect them. This has been discussed for a long time,” Borak explained.

He emphasized the economic benefits the donkeys bring, noting that tourists visit Karpaz specifically to see them. Borak suggested, “The donkeys should be protected based on expert opinions. If they are relocated to a fenced area and their population is controlled, the problem can be mitigated.”

Borak concluded, “Our stance on this issue is clear and definite: the donkeys should be controlled according to expert advice. As they are free-roaming, they damage crops and occasionally cause accidents by wandering onto roads.”

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